Resident Opportunities & Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) and Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Programs
JCHA has been a successful recipient of ROSS and FSS awards from HUD for decades. These federal grants allow JCHA to hire program staff to support residents in achieving self-identified goals.
ROSS service coordinators conduct confidential intakes and needs assessments to help public housing residents develop self-sufficiency goals and identify barriers. Then they provide referrals to appropriate services and on-going case management. Learn more about ROSS by clicking here. Currently, residents at Berry Gardens, Booker T Washington, Holland Gardens, and Hudson Gardens can access the ROSS program.
FSS program staff provide similar services to Housing Choice Voucher participants but with an added incentive: the FSS grant enables participants to fund interest-bearing escrow accounts established by JCHA with increases in a participant’s earned income, which can later be used if they meet their self-sufficiency goals (e.g., funds can be put toward a down payment on a home or used for college tuition). Learn more about FSS by clicking here.